Talking About Organization Techniques For Your Move

2 Reasons To Utilize A Full-Service Moving Company

One of the most annoying tasks that many people will undertake is moving into a new home, mostly because the actual moving process will consist of a lot of work. However, a full-service moving company can often make the task of moving into a new place much more tolerable and less stressful. Listed below are just a few of the reasons to utilize a full-service moving company.

Assembly/Disassembly Services

One of the most annoying aspects of having to move your property is dealing with disassembling and reassembling large pieces of furniture or exercise equipment. Not only can this process be time-consuming, but it can also put a lot of strain on your body if the item is quite large and heavy. However, there are times when you simply cannot avoid having to disassemble your furniture, mostly because those items may not fit up a narrow stairway or through the doors at your new home. 

In that situation, a full-service moving company will be willing to take care of the furniture disassembly for you in order to get everything into your new home easily and without causing damage to the new home by trying to force large furniture pieces through in one piece. In addition, once the items are in your new home, the movers will then proceed to reassemble everything for you. 

Storage Options

Finally, many full-service moving companies will be able to provide you with a place to store your property until it can be moved into your new home. This is an ideal option if you are in a situation where you will have to be out of your current home immediately but still have to wait several weeks for your new place to be available and move-in ready.

In that situation, the moving company will place your property into a storage facility that they own or are partnered until the house or apartment has opened up, at which point they will complete the moving process. In most cases, the moving company will require you to pay a monthly fee for the storage of your property that is prorated in the event that you only need your items stored for a few days or weeks.

Contact your local full-service moving company today in order to discuss the many ways in which they may be able to help you with your next move. By providing furniture assembly/disassembly services and storage options, the full-service moving company can take the stress and hassle out of moving. Contact a business, such as Affordable Transfer Co Inc., for more information.   
